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What Do You Learn in Cosmetology School?

Student cutting and coloring hair

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If you’re considering cosmetology school as a career path, it’s natural to wonder what you’ll actually learn. The truth of the matter is, it kind of depends. Cosmetology school is an educational opportunity that allows you to shape your education around your vocational goals so you learn what you need to become successful in the beauty industry, whichever path you choose. At Tricoci University of Beauty Culture, we focus on providing our students not only with an innovative education that covers top of the line techniques, but also the business know-how and skills required to pave your own way in the industry after certification. But if you want to know more specifics about what you’ll learn in cosmetology school, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive deeper.

What Does Cosmetology School Include?

The short answer is: cosmetology school includes a lot! Becoming a licensed cosmetologist requires a solid grasp of basic foundational techniques and advanced knowledge and techniques in the following cosmetology curriculum areas.

Hair Stylist Classes

In our hair styling courses, you’ll learn all kinds of techniques and industry know-how to help you provide the highest quality styles for your future clients. You’ll learn about cutting, trimming, shaping, thinning, curling, and more. Starting with the basics and moving onto our advanced course, you’ll finish each area of study with a practical exam to test the knowledge you’ve gained.

Hair Coloring Classes

The world of hair coloring is extremely popular and will be a large part of your future as a cosmetologist. Whether you are interested in fashion colors or just want to provide the best coloring techniques for your future clients, our hair coloring classes will ensure you are prepared to mix formulas correctly, apply the color seamlessly, and manage all the chemical and scientific knowledge around hair coloring that you need to be a successful colorist.

Esthetician Training for Cosmetologists

For some, cosmetology school is about fields of study outside of the hair-specific trade of cosmetology. That’s why we offer an esthetician program that allows students to learn the science behind skincare and targeted treatments for beautifying skin. You’ll learn about skin composition and function as well as about the different types of skin, skin diseases and disorders, and basic facial procedures. These can include basic massage manipulations, basic makeup application, basic waxing application, and much more.

Learning to do Nails

For others, cosmetology school opens the world of nail art and becoming a nail technician. For those students, our nail tech program is the perfect fit. You’ll learn about nail composition and function, nail diseases, disorders and conditions, basic manicure and pedicure services and basic acrylic nail services. All of these areas of knowledge will help you build the best foundation for a successful career in nail art as a nail technician.

Things You Learn in Cosmetology School at Tricoci

Professional Tips and Tricks

Obviously, cosmetology school will teach you the most important facets of cosmetology. The basic building blocks may be available elsewhere; you can probably have one of your friends teach you how to trim split ends. However, how do you learn to do a blowout? How do you learn which hair color will look best for someone and how to mix the perfect formula to react with that person’s individual body chemistry? That’s what a cosmetology school program will do for you.

Dedication to a Trade

Cosmetology is a trade, and like any other trade, it relies on you providing a service to people that they don’t have the skills for. This makes learning any trade invaluable, because people need the skills you provide.

When you learn a trade, you’re learning something you can use for the rest of your life. If you spend 20-30 years as a cosmetologist, you may even be able to become a cosmetology teacher. People have had a vested interest in beauty for thousands of years, and there’s no reason that interest would wane anytime soon.

New Ways to Learn

Many people go through high school just learning the bare minimum, or only learning it in the ways the school dictates. When you go out on your own, you’re able to discover more about what fascinates you and how you best learn.

Beauty schools are a shining example of what more focused learning environments can provide. For example, Tricoci University of Beauty Culture’s cosmetology program offers education in a variety of ways. You’ll learn through videos, demonstrations, guest artists, visual presentations, practical presentations, lectures and hands-on experience. All of these learning methods are essential to make sure anyone can learn the most important skills in the industry.

A Love for your Career in Cosmetology

When you get a traditional degree, you’re likely planning to use that degree for something different from the courses you took to receive that degree. The typical college education doesn’t always resemble the day to day work you’ll be doing when you graduate. With cosmetology school, however, your eventual workday will look extremely similar to your coursework.

Getting that essential look into your future is an excellent way to develop and foster a love for your career before it starts.

Learning Cosmetology Your Way with Tricoci University of Beauty Culture

Because we understand that not every student learns the exact same way, we’ve created an educational curriculum that offers a variety of different learning styles so you can soak up the most knowledge in the way you’re most comfortable. From online learning modules to guest artists, videos, online forum discussions with your fellow classmates, and more, Tricoci University of Beauty Culture is dedicated to creating the best learning environment for aspiring cosmetologists.

Ready to get started on your fulfilling career as a cosmetologist? Fill out the form below and let’s talk!

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