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Beauty Blog

St. Viator Church ROCKS

Student cutting and coloring hair

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By Lina Marie Perez,  Cosmetology Student at Tricoci University’s CNW Campus

St. Viator Church held their first annual event “Rock the Lot” and once again I was given the opportunity to volunteer my service by giving complimentary manicures and hand massages. It’s a one-day festival for families to get together to laugh and make wonderful memories. There was a children’s area with face painting, inflatables, games, crafts, hands-on Art Zone demonstrations and to make it even better a karaoke competition with “Live Rock Band Karaoke!”

Ms. Amber led CNW’s Tricoci Team and we were all very excited to give the best service possible. The majority of the clients we had were between the ages of nine and fourteen and they all wanted to have the shatter nail polish! We talked about how school was going and what they wanted to be when they grew up. One girl said to me “I want to be in the fashion industry” and she reminded me of myself and how much passion I have training for a career that’s constantly moving and  gives me a chance to challenge myself with creativity. I told her, “Go for it! Learn all you can not only about clothes but hair, makeup and everything!” It feels so good to be able to pass some knowledge over to the new upcoming generation.

I also walked around the event and passed out the Tricoci University student salon menus. The people were in awe with the prices and asked “Where are you located??” So, it’s a great way to network but also to bring out what’s most important in this industry…a smile.

Lastly, I was impressed with the live entertainment St. Viator Church offered, “School Rock,” a band that consisted of teenagers singing and dancing to the top known artist in the music industry; Adele’s “Rolling in the deep”, Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” and many more. They all had such a wide range of musicality and at such a young age they definitely rocked the lot!

Hopefully next year they’ll expand this event for a whole weekend. I know I’ll be there!

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