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Graduation from Beauty School

Student cutting and coloring hair

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By Gabriela Herrera, Tricoci University in Glendale Heights

The day I had been waiting for was finally here – graduation from beauty school.  On Friday, March 23, Tricoci University hosted a graduation ceremony for Cynthia Rodriguez, Jordan Kissee, and me, Gabriela Herrera.

The ceremony began at 4:30 p.m. Ms. Tara, Glendale Heights general manger, began with a poem that warmed our hearts, followed by an emotional speech from Cynthia. Cynthia made many of us tear up, but smile at the same time. She also inspired many students and made a point that everything is possible – follow your dreams and do what you love to do. We then received our diploma and took pictures. Shortly after, we handed all the teachers roses. Along with the rose was a key chain with their name engraved on it. We did it to show our appreciation to them.

Sharing that moment of my life with family, friends and teachers was priceless. I couldn’t do it without their support. Friends were always there to listen and encourage us, family always put up with our complaining and pushed us daily, and teachers guided us and walked us through our careers to become the professional cosmetologist we are now. Balloons, flowers, and banners all warmed my heart; just to know it’s the beginning of a new journey. After the ceremony, we had snacks to enjoy a slide show that contained several pictures of our enjoyable moments. The slide show was designed by Jordan, who began taking pictures from essentials and throughout the curriculum. For the short time we spent together, I can say we have nothing but funny, exciting, and fun memories together.

Every day is a learning experience. I remember the first day in beauty school, everyone was friendly. It was very exciting to receive everything on our first day and that same week we began hands-on. I’ve learned so much in so little time. There is always something exciting going on at Tricoci University. Recently the school has been collecting items for the Ronald McDonald charity and we do several fun activities/themed weeks to keep us motivated, such as Rush Week. Rush Week is where the students pick a theme and we get to get out of uniform for one Saturday. This happened once a class moved onto the floor.

Overall, my experience at Tricoci University has all been a dream come true! I plan to continue my education and work for Mario Tricoci Salon and specialize in color.

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