girl with tattoos in beauty industry

Tattoos in the Beauty Industry

May 9th, 2014


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This is a guest post by Marie Suchy, a student at our Highland campus.

I grew up in a family where the phrase, “no one will hire you if you have tattoos” was repeated constantly. However, I knew at a very young age that if that was the case, I didn’t want the job. I believe tattoos are an expression of beauty and also a way to wear your creativity, passions, and beliefs on your sleeve, literally.

I am so grateful I fell into this industry. It is welcoming to people will tattoos and in some cases, the more you have, the more creative you are. I have had the same hair stylist since I was seven years old. I pointed at her and said, “mom, I want her to do my hair.” She had a full sleeve on one arm and the other arm started, crazy colored hair and bright red lips. Now that I have joined the hair family, I feel more at home than I ever did at any other job I’ve had.

Now I’m not saying all tattoos are tasteful. I’m sure if my stylist had a tattoo of tweety bird on her face, the story would’ve been different. However, the main reason people get tattoos is to be permanently expressive. Whether it be sentimental, tragedy, or a memoriam, I respect anyone who believes strongly enough to get something eternal because it meant something to them.

Nowadays, it’s hard to find someone without tattoos. Which means the work forces are backing off. And I think that’s grand. All in all, cosmetology has allowed me to not worry about getting a job because I have tattoos. I am fully confident that whatever I choose to do, I’ll belong.

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